Saturday, October 10, 2015

"Almost Extinct"

She rises early 
To make her bread....
And stays up late, 
To clear her head.....

She knows her way
Doesn't need a guide.....
Wont go back to any
That left her side.......

She has many friends 
Although some unworthy......
Shakes plenty of hands
even those undeserving.......

With a smile on her face
No how's and no why's......
She handles her business 
With her eyes on the prize.......

She raises her children 
With all that she has.......
She puts family first
And still gives them her last .......

An average woman 
She never could be.......... 
If you see her, better grab her
She's almost extinct..........

Sunday, September 27, 2015

"Painful Immunity"

The warm tears
So badly burn as they reach the top of my lip. 
Still untouched. I let them sit
Like an endless time-out after torture. 
Silent treatment, to one who can't hear. 
But I'm still here, and I hear. 
My heart pulled from its womb, 
of my mind..... Only my mind. 
Grateful I've only loved with my mind. 
Painful immunity every time.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

"100% Mixed"

Mixed comes in all skin colors, hair textures, eye colors and walks and talks of life. You will never be able to create one model or mold of what we should all look like. Never believe that you're not light enough, you're not dark enough, your hair is not curly or straight enough,. "Our looks do not define us. They don't now, and they never will"
"Through our existence, people that once never associated will associate. Cultures, traditions, and religions, that never crossed will intertwine. Multiple languages will be heard in one household at the same time. It is our existence that can bridge the gaps of racism, hatred and ignorance. Our existence and determination to accept all that we are all of the time, never in shame but with our heads held high. A pride within us, that will not be tainted. To be one, to be many, to be parts of, to be whole. We are one hundred percent mixed and proud. We should never feel like we have to add to or reject any parts of the core of who we are. 

Author Sonia Olivia Williams on behalf of 

"Dark Promises"

I promise you a lack of sleep, 
No permission to be tired. 
Anxiety after we meet, 
The worry keeps you wired. 

The quietness, while the house 
But your thoughts have all arrived.
The daily tasks, obstacles and tests,
That keep you sleep deprived. 

I promise you, only the moon, 
Is what the darkness said. 
You try to leave me way too soon, 
How dare you go to bed. 

And every promise darkness made, 
Has finally come to light, 
The sun shines through my window pane, 
But we'll meet again tonight.

"Birds are Really Free"

I was looking at a flock of birds today admiring the way that they stay together so in sync; even through numerous conditions of weather and failing circumstance. But I also noticed that there were several stragglers amongst the bunch. It reminded me of the similarities with people , with loyalty and even disloyalty of the most absolutes. Reminding me of the many human stragglers. And it teased me into believing that there will always be those that stick with us and go in our direction so willingly and faithfully. And there will always be those that insist on going in their own direction not seeing the benefit to all in the unity. One thing that I noticed with the birds though, is that not one bird goes back for the bird that doesn't want to go. The one that threatens to break the unity. They let them go in their own direction. from the outside looking in; it appears the birds don't skip a beat either. They just keep flying higher with such determination. Maintaining the posture to get to where they need to be. They make it to their destination never wondering, never regretful and never feeling guilty for that one that wanted to leave. Birds are really free.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

"Why I Write"

My heart maintains the fury of my mind and it's worry. 
Knowing neither will desert me, 
I use courage I can't bury. 
With a spiritual energy, 
Of strength and such position.
I can float above the misery,
With a focus on my mission.
With pen in hand I write, 
My words are overflowing.
The messages escaped,
I won't leave the world unknowing.
I must fulfill my calling, 
Many messages to deliver.
There were times I felt like falling,
But was caught by pen and paper.
As I wait for time of peace,
Some hearts will come to mend.
Possibly because of me, 
Other hands will find their pen.

"Flexible Quotes"

"That which does not kill us, makes us stronger" 
I read the quote, and begin to ponder....
The paralyzed one, doesn't feel more strong.... 
The life sentenced one, not stronger- just gone....
The victimized one, still frail and weak.....,
And the creative one, tweaks the words that he speaks, 
To make us think, 
What he wants us to think..................

Can't we think...
Or do we need a quote to be sure? 
A flexible quote, ever changing, never changing...... 
Can't we think for ourselves.... Anymore? 


Locking away my ability to love
In fear they'll deceive me
The torture of wanting a release date
For my heart to cooperate,
Instead of retaliate.
Confined behind walls of abandonment,
Love damaged. 
My heart can't handle it, or be managed. 
Unfree, unwilling, 
Untouchable and unforgiven. 
Guilty- "love killing"
Convicted and imprisoned.


Everyday I'm learning to enjoy my life to the fullest in each moment that I live it. Too often I've focused more on what happened or didn't happen in the past. Or I obsessively think about my future and next moves. But in doing that the "right now" slowly becomes irrelevant. 
If you are also guilty of this, understand that each moment that we do this, we are not able to fully appreciate the priceless life that we have in our hands right now. We often brush to the side the people that we love and those that love us, pretending like tomorrow is guaranteed. 
The moment right now, that we live in has to be worth something special, because it is the only time that is guaranteed. 
This moment cannot be meaningless while we dwell or sulk in our past pains or future fears. When we do this, we are responsible for wasting our own moments, and preventing our own happiness. 
What I'm saying is that we have to make our moments matter, because our last moment can be any moment. Their last moment can be any moment. Live like it. This is the preventative medicine for regrets. 
"Managing My Damaging Self" Book 3- coming soon.- Sonia Williams 

"You're So Strong"

I realized recently that there is such an error in referring to a person going through tribulations as "such a strong person" for we are only judging their strength by what we see on the outside looking in. We don't think of their fountain of tears, their falling to their knees pleading to a higher power, their hands shaking, body trembling, throat hurting, head throbbing, wanting to end it all type of pain when alone. We don't hear about their absolute feeling of being emptied, alone and misunderstood. Oh yeah those "strong" people......let me ask, 
you don't always feel so strong, do you? 
We are not always so strong are we? 
But with your head held high, and a determination of greatness and sincere faith in self- with trust..... you really are strong. So much stronger than you could have ever imagined. 

"Deep Sea of Pretend"

Initially a harmony, 
of melody and grace. 
Disguised to be the one for me,
Deep within a handsome face. 
Shadowing my butterflies, 
In one another’s clasp. 
But stormy days would alter this, 
The sunshine never lasts. 

Choosing you and not the life jacket, 
What a blessing I could swim. 
No idea it couldn’t save me,
In the deep sea of pretend.
Tears  from the darkest cloud,
Drowned any chance to save me.
I’m dying just to love you, 
You’re living just to hate me

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

"What is Love"

Love is an action. 
It is the truth, the faith, the trust.
Love is to do and never just to be. 
Love is to hold and never just to have. 
Love is to treasure and never just to win.
Love are the moments and memories that stay with you, even when the one that you love is not there.
The moments and memories will always be a true reflection, 
of the love that you share.